For most of the years I spent vegetating in front of a TV screen, it was infrequent for viewers like me to witness the interaction of actors of different races, genders, physiques and various other personal characteristics. Also, those who were featured were generally pretty or handsome, and always in great physical shape.
Fast forward to today’s viewing experience and one day it dawned on me after viewing several programs that, in this era, there is a complete mixture of people in all ways, shapes and forms. Even in dance routines that accompany advertisements on TV, many of the dancers, male and female, are not terribly attractive and many have long since passed their ideal weight limits. In fact, some may actually be regarded as obese.
So, why would the powers that be who have influence over the entertainment industry as well as others dictate that such a mixture be observed? There is only one conclusion that I have been able to reach so far. When all you see on TV are people who look like you and your friends then that specimen is what you identify as a “fellow American.” All others are just segments who have decided to adopt our country but were not really considered Americans. And, not being “real Americans,” those who were real Americans had a difficult time adopting them into the group of citizens simply labeled “Americans.”
A country that enjoys a great diversity of cultures, genders and languages can be a strong country; but a country in which the vast majority of people identify themselves as the same thing is much stronger. My guess is that someone in the so-called Deep State in Washington, D.C. promoted the theory that, unless the United States could achieve a high level of homogeneity it could never continue to be identified on a global scale as a SuperPower. Not liking that possibility, the Deep State made its desires known in no certain terms to those who conceive of entertainment and all other visual events and activities that people of every make-up should not only be invited to participate but should be compelled to become “as one” with the entire population. Only if that is achieved, believes the Deep State, could our country compete globally as a true SuperPower.
So be prepared for overweight ballerinas and thimble-sized powerlifters, with every group sporting a rainbow of colors and orientations. But, wait a second. What if my conclusion is wrong? If it is, then why are we seeing such a variety of actors on our TV screens who would not even have been employed for such purposes twenty years ago?