Letter From The Editors

Dear Readers,

This year seems to be rushing by and it is hard to believe we are in summer.  Summer usually means family vacations, beach time and lots of outdoor activities.   

We Floridians also complain about the heat, but we need to put the weather in the proper perspective. Yes, it is hot, but we have a tremendous advantage in South Florida and that is the ocean breeze we enjoy.  It is a huge benefit compared to other areas in the state and in the country. There are some helpful tips on how to stay cool over the summer you will want to check out in this issue.

One of the things we are not looking forward to is the volume of political ads and media coverage we are going to be hit with due to the upcoming Presidential election. The article in this issue about the Presidential election from Fred McLean is an excellent read.  Bill Gallo’s article on Giving Back is inspiring to see how a family took a tragedy and turned it around into a wonderful ability to make a difference and change people’s lives.

And there’s much more to inform and entertain you during your hopefully relaxing summertime.

Form all of us, we wish you a happy and safe summer.

Roberta B. Turner and Larry Turner