Dear Readers,
It is hard to believe but it is 2025! A New Year always means new beginnings and wishes for a Happy New Year, with health, family and prosperity being our top priorities.
Health is a top priority because without it we really have little to look forward to in life. Being healthy consists of a lot of priorities including weight management, exercise and having a good medical team. We wish you and yours all of these things.
Wealth is more than just money to us; it is having close family and friends. It is also important to save and invest in your future. In each issue we are grateful to have Heritage Investment provide a fresh perspective on investing and the economy.
Being active with family and close friends is a way to share in the ups and downs in your life and celebrate the joy of special occasions. We value each of our writers and contributors to The Light Magazine and want to thank them for their valuable articles they share with each of you.
We wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year and hope you will make a point to recognize this wonderful team of writers by reviewing the Contributors pages.
Warm Regards,,
Roberta B. Turner Larry Turner