The Season Ends Early For The Marlins
by Larry Turner

The Season Ends Early For The Marlins

At the start of the season, several commentators were skeptical about the ability of the team to compete because of the dearth of talent on the roster. Today, many are outspoken about starting all over again and stripping the organization from top to bottom. That is unlikely to happen, but it is quite likely that a significant number of roster players will not be returning as management makes an effort to reconfigure the team.

A restructuring is difficult not only on the present roster members but also on the fans and the merchants at the stadium and elsewhere who market Marlins’ souvenirs and gifts for their livelihood. Those revenues will be unavailable to the team as well, as will attendance, TV and radio revenues. It is almost impossible to rebuild a team without supporting revenues, unless it is willing to introduce a partner willing to offer financial support in consideration of an ownership interest in the franchise.

What actually happens during the remainder of the season should be interesting fodder for the media, but not for attendees and viewers. For them, they should plan on waiting a couple of years before a competitive roster is assembled.