Letter From The Editors

Dear Readers,

We always celebrate the spring season during March and April even though this year Spring officially starts on March 20 and runs through June. We South Floridians enjoy the best weather this time of year and we have many holidays to celebrate: St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Passover and Earth Day to name the most popular holidays. This issue has numerous articles about the holidays and one other tradition, Spring Cleaning.

A must read is The Turning Point.  It is an enlightening perspective on the economy and how it affects us and our potential investing.

The article about all the progress that is being made in Tallahassee demonstrates how involved our government officials are working to make South Florida a better place to live and work.

For those of us who are thinking of a new car, there is some important information to consider in this issue.

We hope you and yours are enjoying this special time of the year.  Happy Spring!

Warm Regards,

Roberta B. Turner               Larry Turner